Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Our current politicians have not been addressing issues that are important to Utahns. We can’t continue electing people from the mainstream parties who aren’t listening to the concerns of the people they serve and expect different results from them. Now is the time to stand behind a new candidates. When you vote for me, I will champion the issues that are important to YOU, the people of Utah, and the USA as a whole. I am the change you’ve been waiting for and we can win together. Contribute today so we can win the U.S. House of Representatives and recover our voices.
We have never experienced the platinum standard when it comes to politicians and political candidates. I'm here to show you what your representatives can–and should–be doing for you in Washington.
To start, they should listen to and understand your needs. In 2021, I spent time talking with over 1000 Utahns from around the state in my “listening campaign,” and this is what I heard:
Utahns around the state expressed exhaustion from politics. They conveyed their concerns around breathing unclean air, how it impacts their health, and what the water crisis means for the future of Utah. They’re worried that healthcare has high monthly costs, high deductibles, and how a major sickness such as cancer could possibly lead to bankruptcy–or worse!
They’re frustrated that due to escalating property values over the last decade, they’re being priced out of the housing market. They’re worried about seeing empty food shelves, the increasing costs of food for their livestock, and how to stay on a positive budget with inflation. They’re worried about the possibility of gas becoming unavailable.
They’re worried that even after paying higher costs for schools, the USA is still 27th in education–and what that means for their kids. They’re worried about the high barrier to entry for college tuition and obtaining an education that matches up with jobs of the future. They’re worried that no matter how much money they pay in taxes, reasonable federal spending and paying off our debt as a nation will never happen.
People are concerned, too, about cybersecurity, their online presence being compromised, their personal privacy, information, and identity being sold. They’re frustrated with the spam phone calls and are concerned about cyber attacks and the security of our elections.
Utahns, especially the younger generations, feel like they have no
representation or voice in politics and that their needs and requests are being ignored.
They feel somewhat hopeless that things will ever change and frequently they are just
“holding on for the ride,” hoping to survive. They are worried that retirement may be out
of reach as the benchmark for that age continues to rise and that they may be working into
their 70s.
Across the board, singles, families, and breadwinners expressed a need for a work- life
balance. Working 40 to 50 hours a week is unsustainable and gives little time to enjoy the
relationships and experiences that make for a fulfilling life. People are feeling
“like the days and the memories are passing them by” and they don’t get enough time
for their families or themselves.
After listening to my Utah neighbors, I decided I needed to act. I can no longer stand on the side lines wishing for things to be different. I'm running for US Congress 4th District on the United Utah Party in 2022 to bring YOUR needs to the table. Government can change, and it can be better, but not if we continue to vote for the same parties and the same individuals who aren’t listening to you. We can’t keep supporting the political parties that we have today and expect different results from what we’ve been given for the past 150 + years.
The political climate that we were given worked in the past but it
does not work for us now. I will be the first representative to build my platform solely
around the needs of the people, and not the party. I will work towards solutions
regardless of who proposed them if it is the right thing to do.
I invite you to take the first steps with me towards a higher political
standard.Contribute to my congressional campaign and share our message. In addition
to Facebook, you can follow and interact with me on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Clubhouse,
Facebook, & Snapchat.
Thank you for your support,
January Walker
Your Future Congresswoman
People Over Party
Copyright © 2022 January for Utah - All Rights Reserved.
Paid for by the January for Utah Committee. For details, email [email protected]